Objective: To evaluate the difference of vestibular compensation between triple semicircular canal occlusion ( TCO) and labyrinthectomy ( LE) in guinea pigs. 目的:比较豚鼠三半规管阻塞与迷路切除术后前庭功能代偿的异同。
The vestibular neurectomy was as performed as possible by exposing the internal auditory canal for the sake of preserving hearing. 施行保留听力的前庭神经切断术时,尽可能选择暴露内耳道的术式。
Aqp 3 in the spiral limb, vestibular lip, internal and external sulci, basilar membrane and basilar membrane crest, endolymphatic sac and duct, membranous semicircular canal and utricle and saccular macula; Aqp3在螺旋韧带、前庭唇、内、外螺旋沟、基底膜和基底膜嵴、内淋巴囊和内淋巴管、膜半规管和椭圆囊、球囊斑等处显示荧光染色。
Conclusion: VAT is a vestibular test of high-frequencies and wide-bands and can indicate information of not only vestibular function in higher frequency band, but also vertical semicircular canal function. As the supplement of CT, error diagnosis can be partly avoided by VAT. 结论:VAT作为高频、宽带的前庭功能检测技术,既能提供前庭高频区的功能信息,又可检测垂直半规管功能,弥补了CT的缺陷,减少了漏诊。
Conclusion For reserving hearing in vestibular neurectomy, it is better to choose the apprach of exposing internal auditory canal. 结论保留听力的前庭神经切断术应尽量选择暴露内耳道的径路进行。
Vestibular compensation after triple semicircular canal occlusion and labyrinthectomy 三半规管阻塞与迷路切除术后前庭功能动态变化
Effect on Vestibular and Cochlear Functions of Posterior Semicircular Canal Occlusion in Guinea Pigs 后半规管阻塞前后豚鼠前庭及耳蜗功能的动态变化
Objective To observe the effect on vestibular and cochlear functions of posterior semicircular canal occlusion ( PCO) in guinea pigs. 目的探讨机械性后半规管阻塞前后豚鼠前庭和耳蜗功能的动态变化。
As a non-invasive technique in assessing the vestibular function, VEMP had some clinical values in the diagnosis of ear lesions such as Meniere disease and superior semicircular canal dehiscence. VEMP作为一种无创性前庭功能检测方法,在诊断梅尼埃病和上半规管裂等疾病时有一定的临床参考价值。